Candidates Candidates Certification Examination Self-Assessment CertPath ADA Accommodations Certified Professionals Certified Professionals Continuing Education Recertification Committees ABTC Partners ABTC Partners Approved Providers CertPath "I am in a supervisory role at my OPO, and I serve on the CPTC test-writing committee for ABTC— neither of which would be possible without my CPTC certification. I’ve enjoyed significant career growth that would not have been possible without my specialized certification from ABTC." - Samantha Rutledge, RN, CPTC Professional Transplantation Societies AATB - American Association of Tissue Banks AOPO - Association of Organ Procurement Organizations AMAT - Association for Multicultural Affairs in Transplantation ETCO - European Transplant Coordinators Organization ITNS - International Transplant Nurses Society IPTA - International Pediatric Transplant Association NATCO - The Organization for Transplant Professionals STSW - Society for Transplant Social Workers Transplantation Advocacy Organizations Donor Action Donate Life NKF - National Kidney Foundation Transweb - Transplantation of the Web TRIO - Transplant Recipients International Organization, Inc. Professional Certification Organizations PSI Exams Online Organ Donation and Transplantation Information Sources OPTN - Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network SRTR - Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients UNOS - United Network for Organ Sharing U.S. Department of Health and Human Services